The following section outlines publications and media related to this ongoing research project. For more information about these resources, please contact Dr. Ruth Langridge at: rlangrid [at] ucsc [dot] edu.
Van Schmidt, Nathan, Tamara Wilson, Ruth Langridge. 2022. Linkages between land-use change and groundwater management foster long-term resilience of water supply in California. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies.Vol. 40.
Langridge, Ruth and Nathan D. Van Schmidt. 2020. Groundwater and Drought Resilience in the SGMA Era. Society and Natural Resources Journal.
Wilson, Tamara Sue, Nathan D Van Schmidt, Ruth Langridge, 2020, Land-Use Change and Future Water Demand in California's Central Coast, Land Systems and Global Change.
Langridge, R., Fencl, A., 2020. Implications of Climate Change to Groundwater. In: Goldstein, M.I., DellaSala, D.A. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes, vol. 4. Elsevier, pp. 438–453.
Langridge, Ruth, Christopher Ansell. 2018. Comparative Analysis of Institutions to Govern the Groundwater Commons in California, Water Alternatives, Vol. 11, Issue 3, pp.375-404
Langridge, Ruth. (University of California, Santa Cruz). 2018. Central Coast Summary Report. California’s Fourth Climate Assessment. Publication number: SUM-CCCA4-2018-006.
Langridge, Ruth, Stephen Sepaniak, Amanda Fencl, Linda Esteli Mendez Barrientos. Management of Groundwater and Drought Under Climate Change. A Report for California’s Fourth Climate Assessment. 2018.
Langridge, Ruth and Bruce Daniels. 2017. Accounting for Climate Change and Drought In Implementing Sustainable Groundwater Management, Water Resources Management DOI: 10.1007/s11269-017-1607-8.
Langridge, Ruth, A. Brown, K. Rudestam and Esther Conrad, 2017, An Evaluation of Southern California’s Adjudicated Basins, Report for the Haynes Foundation
Rudestam, Kirsten. 2017. Ruth Langridge and Abigail Brown, “Exploring “Deep Roots:” Politics of Place and Groundwater Management Practices in the Pajaro Valley California, Society and Natural Resources, Vol. 31, Iss. 3, 2018
Langridge, Ruth, S. Sepaniak and E. Conrad, 2016, An Evaluation of California’s Special Act Groundwater Districts, Report for the State Water Resources Control Board,
Langridge, Ruth, A. Brown, K. Rudestam and Esther Conrad. 2016. An Evaluation of California’s Adjudicated Groundwater Basins, State Water Resources Control Board Report.
Brown, Abigail, Ruth Langridge and Kirsten Rudestam, 2016 “Coming to the Table: A Critical Analysis of Collaborative Governance in Groundwater Decision-making in Coastal California,” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Online:
Rudestam, Kirsten, R. Langridge and A. Brown. 2015. “The Commons as a dynamic variable in understanding strategic alliances of scale: a groundwater case study in Pajaro Valley, California,” Environmental Science and Policy, pp. 33-40, DOI10.1016/j.envsci.2015.05.003
DWR Climate Change Technical Advisory Committee. 2015. “Climate Change Technical Advisory Group Perspectives and Guidance for Climate Change Analysis.”
Lund, Jay, T. Harter, R. Gailey, G. Fogg, R. Frank, H. Dahlke, T. Ginn, S. Solis, T. Young, A. Fisher, R. Langridge, J. Viers, T. Harmon, P. Holden, A. Keller, M. Kiparsky, T. Greene, S. Mehl, J. Gurdak, S.. Gorelick, R. Knight. 2015. “Creating effective groundwater sustainability plans,”
Rudestam, Kirsten and Ruth Langridge. 2014. “Sustainable Yield in Groundwater Management: Bridging Science and Mainstream Vernacular,” Ground Water DOI: 10.1111/gwat.12160
Fisher, A., G. Fogg, J. Viers, J. Lund, R. Langridge, P. Holder. 2013. “Groundwater and Climate Change in California, GroundWaterBlog,
Langridge, Ruth, A. Fisher, A. Racz, B. Daniels, K. Rudestam, and B. Hihara. 2012. Climate Change and Water Supply Security: Reconfiguring Groundwater Management to Reduce Drought Vulnerability. California Energy Commission. CEC-500-2012-017. Paper for California’s 3rd Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment
Langridge, Ruth. 2012. “Drought and Groundwater: Legal Hurdles to Establishing Groundwater Drought Reserves in California” Environs: Environmental Law and Policy Journal, Vol.36:1
Summary Report on the Third Assessment from the California Climate Change Center. 2012.“Our Changing Climate: Vulnerability and Adaptation to the Increasing Risks from Climate Change in California,”
Moser, S., J. Ekstrom and R. Langridge. 2011. Barriers to Adaptation. In Pierce, D. W., Ed., 2011, California climate extremes workshop report. Scripps Institution of Oceanography: La Jolla, California
Langridge, Ruth. 2009. “Confronting Drought: Water supply planning and the establishment of a strategic groundwater reserve. ”University of Denver Water Law Review, Vol.12:2
Matt Weiser, November 17, 2016, ‘Sustainable’ Groundwater? It’s Not a Universal Standard in California, Water Deeply,
Eline Gordts, July 21, 2016, Seven Experts to Watch on California’s Groundwater, Water Deeply,
Guy Lasnier, February, 2016, UC Santa Cruz researchers evaluate groundwater supply and management: Study of adjudicated groundwater basins shows less emphasis on sustainability, more on conflict resolution,
Ivan Semeniuk, April 4, 2015, “From Bad to Worse,” Toronto Globe and Mail
Gary Pitzer, “Overdrawn at the Bank: Managing California’s Groundwater.” Jan/Feb 2014, Western Water
Dan White, “Dry, dry again: UCSC researchers are confronting the challenges of consecutive dry years that have left California in the midst of a potential water crisis,” 2014, UC Santa Cruz Review,
Pamela Martineau, “State Food and Ag Board Examines California’s Groundwater Challenges,” 2014, Groundwater All Water News
Alec Rosenberg, “UC drought summit dives deep in state Capitol,” 4/28/ 2014, UC Newsroom
Elizabeth Case, “Drought summit examines California’s water crisis,” 4/25/2014, Davis Enterprise
Maven's Minutes, “UC Drought Summit: State policy for future droughts,” 2014,
Families Protecting the Valley, 2012, ‘Groundwater Reserves Answer to Extreme Droughts”